Matt Kohrs
News • Business • Investing & Finance
Happy New Year, Brother!
Goonie Newsletter (Jan. 1st - Jan. 5th)
December 31, 2023
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Happy New Year, Brother!


That's a wrap on 2023! Here's to an even better time in 2024!!!

If you're like me, you may have hit some of your trading and investing goals in 2023, but there is always more you want to accomplish. I personally like to set the bar high because I want to see how far the competition can push me. This typically leaves me in a state of hunger at the end of the year. There is always room to "do better", which keeps me engaged. With that in mind, I'm sure many of you reading this would resonate with the sentiment. The next logical question is: How?

The truth is you already most likely possess the knowledge to not only be a profitable trader, but an extremely profitable trader. I don't know all your individual situations, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's similar to mine. My major Achilles heel when it comes to trading is a lack of discipline. I'm more of a gunslinging cowboy rather than a calm, cool & consistent trader. I’m not systematically exploiting an edge. I'm aware of multiple edges, but I don't have the psychology to consistently take advantage of my knowledge.

My 2024 goal is to be as robotic, systematic & unemotional as possible. I wholeheartedly believe this will make me more money than I know what to do with.  The chances of success will greatly increase if we do this as a team -- I hope you join me on this journey!


Let's Get It,


P.S. The official Goonie Discord is live! (FREE Access w/ code GOONIE:


Market Events

Monday, Jan. 1st

ALL DAY          MARKET CLOSED (Happy New Year!)

10:30 PM ET    RBA Interest Rate Decision (Jan)


Tuesday, Jan. 2nd

09:45 AM ET    S&P Global US Manufacturing PMI (Dec)


Wednesday, Jan. 3rd

10:00 AM ET    ISM Manufacturing PMI (Dec)

10:00 AM ET    ISM Manufacturing Prices (Dec)

10:00 AM ET    JOLTs Job Openings (Nov)

02:00 PM ET    FOMC Meeting Minutes


Thursday, Jan. 4th

08:15 AM ET    ADP Nonfarm Employment Change (Dec)

08:30 AM ET    Initial Jobless Claims


Friday, Jan. 5th

05:00 AM ET    Eurozone CPI (YoY) (Dec)

08:30 AM ET    Average Hourly Earnings (MoM) (Dec)

08:30 AM ET    Nonfarm Payrolls (Dec)

08:30 AM ET    Unemployment Report (Dec)

10:00 AM ET    Initial Jobless Claims

10:00 AM ET    Initial Jobless Claims



Upcoming Earnings






AM: Walgreens







Seasonality Update

S&P 500 Seasonal Bias (Monday, Jan. 1st)



S&P 500 Seasonal Bias (Tuesday, Jan. 2nd)

  • Bull Win Percentage: 56%
  • Profit Factor: 1.03
  • Bias: Neutral

Equity Curve -->


S&P 500 Seasonal Bias (Wednesday, Jan. 3rd)

  • Bull Win Percentage: 64%
  • Profit Factor: 0.94
  • Bias: Neutral

Equity Curve -->


S&P 500 Seasonal Bias (Thursday, Jan. 4th)

  • Bull Win Percentage: 60%
  • Profit Factor: 0.99
  • Bias: Neutral

Equity Curve -->


S&P 500 Seasonal Bias (Friday, Jan. 5th)

  • Bull Win Percentage: 48%
  • Profit Factor: 0.84
  • Bias: Neutral

Equity Curve -->



Options Strategy Update

The 0 DTE signal hit 4 for 4 times (6 total unites) this past week (Signal Accuracy: ~100%). 

A solid way to close out the year! The degen strategy continues to make new PnL highs. I'm excited to see how it performs in 2024. I'm also very interested in rolling out some new strategies I have been working on in the background. The upcoming year will certainly bring some exciting times -- Stay tuned!


Current Streak: 8

December Record: 34/37


Monday Dec. 25th



Tuesday Dec. 26th

SPY PUT Credit Spread (2 units @ $473 / $472)  🟢

QQQ PUT Credit Spread (2 unit @ $409 / $408)  🟢


Wednesday Dec. 27th



Thursday Dec. 28th

SPY PUT Credit Spread (1 unit @ $476 / $475)  🟢

QQQ PUT Credit Spread (1 unit @ $411 / $410)  🟢


Friday Dec. 29th




Charts of Interest


The overall market came extremely close to hitting a new all-time high ($477.50 vs $480). Unfortunately, the bull camp didn't have enough in the tank to push us to a record level before the year was out. This pullback in healthy in my book. Honestly, I would argue the bulls are in control unless $455 is given up. Until then, I'll be looking for the classic pattern of expansion, contraction, followed by expansion.



Unlike the S&P 500, the NASDAQ hit a new all-time high this past week. Similar to the S&P 500, the week concluded with a bit of weakness. In the larger picture, this is still a healthy, reasonable pullback. Based on the posted chart, the tech sector is still very bullish as long as $403 holds and doesn't really turn bearish until $390ish.



In the short term, Bitcoin's breakout attempt appears to have failed. The support of $40k-ish is still intact, so it's now a patience game. Will we see $45k or $40k first?



The ole Teslerrr breakout appears to be taking a breather. It's up to you and your personal risk tolerance if you lock in the gains since it fell back into the EMA cloud. On a positive note, this could be start of a new bullish consolidation, which could lead to something even better. TSLA is definitely "on watch" to see how this recovery plays out.



Microsoft still remains my top breakout watch. The consolidation has not lasted an uncharacteristically long amount of time. Alas, the major trigger I'm personally looking for is a close about $376-$377. The bullish thesis will remain as long as $364 holds. My target is currently a test/break of $384.



Coinbase is showing a clear toping sign on the daily chart. I'll be looking for more of a breather before a continuation.



Potential triple top, but all the lows are higher. It will be very interesting to see which way this ticker breaks. I'm not leaning bullish or bearish, but I'm expecting a large move.



Total Times Piper And/Or I Vomited In The Car

1.2 *

* This data point is from readings over the past week. The reported information should not be taken as an aggregate or cumulative value for any period beyond the most recent week (Sunday through Saturday). Appropriate alterations were made to account for both travel and time zone shifts.




RISK WARNING: Trading involves HIGH RISK and YOU CAN LOSE a lot of money. Do not risk any money you cannot afford to lose. Trading is not suitable for all investors. We are not registered investment advisors. We do not provide trading or investment advice. We provide research and education through the issuance of statistical information containing no expression of opinion as to the investment merits of a particular security. Information contained herein should not be considered a solicitation to buy or sell any security or engage in a particular investment strategy. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Links above include affiliate commission or referrals. I'm part of an affiliate network and I receive compensation from partnering websites.

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FREE Options Trading Lecture This Friday @ 10am ET

It's all going down THIS FRIDAY!!!

The team at SpotGamma will be joining the MK Show to discuss various options trading strategies. (Yes, it will include 0 DTEs for you degens).

This is 100% FREE options trading education.
All you need to do is be where you normally watch me at 10am ET!

Have you ever heard matt sing?
I guess Matt's eating out tonight.
February 26, 2024
Welcome! Goonie Discord Update!!!

If you're having any issues getting connected to the Goonie Discord, don't hesitate to reach out to me.

DMing me on Discord would be the most efficient (@mmk147) or you could email me at: [email protected]

Use the code GOONIE to switch from a Local's Member to a Local's Support for FREE to get premium access -- Allow 24hrs to process after you become a "supporter".

Discord Link:
PRO TIP: Make sure you are logged into the correct Discord account when you sync your two accounts.

September 20, 2024


If you want a chance at winning $150 simply do the following -->
1) Sign up for Swamp Trades (A FREE way to track political stock trades).
2) Post your Twitter, IG or Email in a comment below (I just need a way to contact you).

The drawing will happen on stream today around 10:30am ET!

The giveaway is sponsored by Swamp Trades. Show them a bit of love!
Swamp Trades is 100% FREE way to track what politicians are doing in the stock market in real-time.

Swamp Trades:

No duplicate entries. You will be disqualified.

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September 13, 2024


If you want a chance at winning $150 simply do the following -->
1) Sign up for Swamp Trades (A FREE way to track political stock trades).
2) Post your Twitter, IG or Email in a comment below (I just need a way to contact you).

The drawing will happen on stream today around 10:30am ET!

The giveaway is sponsored by Swamp Trades. Show them a bit of love!
Swamp Trades is 100% FREE way to track what politicians are doing in the stock market in real-time.

Swamp Trades:

No duplicate entries. You will be disqualified.

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September 22, 2024
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Hello, New Highs! || Goonie Newsletter
Goonie Newsletter (September 23rd - September 27th)

Hello, New Highs!


Key Weekly Performance Stats:

  • S&P 500: +1.11% 
  • Nasdaq 100: +1.49% 
  • Russel 2000: +2.19%
  • Bitcoin: +4.41%
Last week, the economy and stock market experienced a mix of movements influenced by several pivotal economic indicators and events. The Federal Reserve's decision to cut rates by 50 basis points was the major highlight, marking the beginning of a rate cut cycle. This move, alongside retail sales figures for August, provided a complex picture of consumer spending health versus inflation management, influencing market sentiment. 
In terms of stock market performance, the week started with a mixed bag. The Dow and S&P 500 saw gains, while the NASDAQ lagged due to tech stock drops. This divergence was partly driven by economic data releases like industrial production and capacity utilization rates. Additionally, the Fed's rate decision and its implications on future monetary policy contributed to a volatile, yet cautiously optimistic market environment.
Looking ahead to next week, traders should closely monitor for a reversal from last week's Fed rate cut. Given the recent volatility, attention to how quickly markets absorb new economic data, alongside any corporate earnings surprises, will be crucial for riding any short-term trends. Respect your risk and stick to your plan. Godspeed.

Warm Regards,

Thicc Kohrs

P.S. The official Goonie Discord is live! (FREE Access w/ code GOONIE:



Market Events

Monday, September 23rd

08:00 AM ET    Atlanta Fed President Bostic Speaks

09:45 AM ET    S&P Global PMI (Sep)

10:15 AM ET    Chicago Fed President Goolsbee Speaks

01:00 PM ET    Minneapolis Fed President Kashkari Speaks


Tuesday, September 24th

10:00 AM ET    Consumer Confidence (Sept)

01:00 PM ET    2-Year Note Auction


Wednesday, September 25th

10:00 AM ET    New Home Sales (Aug)

10:30 AM ET    Crude Oil Inventories

01:00 PM ET    5-Year Note Auction


Thursday, September 26th

08:30 AM ET    GDP Second Revision (Q2)

08:30 AM ET    Initial Jobless Claims

08:30 AM ET    Durable Goods Orders (Aug)

09:15 AM ET    Various Fed Members Speak

10:00 AM ET    Pending Home Sales (Aug)

01:00 PM ET    7-Year Note Auction


Friday, September 27th

08:30 AM ET    PCE Price Index  (Aug)

08:30 AM ET    Personal Spending & Income (Aug)

10:00 AM ET    Consumer Sentiment (Sept)

01:15 PM ET    Federal Reserve Governor Bowman Speaks



Upcoming Earnings

Monday, September 23rd


Tuesday, September 24th

Morning: AutoZone

Wednesday, September 25th

Evening: Micron

Thursday, September 26th

Morning: Accenture

Evening: BlackBerry & Costco

Friday, September 27th




Seasonality Update

S&P 500 Seasonal Bias (Monday, September 23rd)

  • Bull Win Percentage: 36%
  • Profit Factor: 0.66
  • Bias: Bearish

Equity Curve -->


S&P 500 Seasonal Bias (Tuesday, September 24th)

  • Bull Win Percentage: 32%
  • Profit Factor: 0.43
  • Bias: Bearish

Equity Curve -->


S&P 500 Seasonal Bias (Wednesday, September 25th)

  • Bull Win Percentage: 44%
  • Profit Factor: 0.89
  • Bias: Neutral

Equity Curve -->


S&P 500 Seasonal Bias (Thursday, September 25th)

  • Bull Win Percentage: 62%
  • Profit Factor: 1.83
  • Bias: Bullish

Equity Curve -->


S&P 500 Seasonal Bias (Friday, September 26th)

  • Bull Win Percentage: 54%
  • Profit Factor: 1.08
  • Bias: Neutral

Equity Curve -->


Notes: These analytics are derived from the performance of the S&P 500 futures contract over the past 25 years. Additionally, results are computed from the futures market open and close.


Options Strategy Update

The 0 DTE signal hit 5 for 6 times (10 for 12 total units) this past week.

Signal Accuracy: ~83%


Piper's Current Signal Streak: 3 Trades

September Record: 39/48 Units


Monday, September 16th

SPY Call Credit Spread (2x Multiple @ $563 / $564)  🟢

QQQ Call Credit Spread (2x Multiple @ $474 / $475)  🟢


Tuesday, September 17th

SPY Put Credit Spread (2x Multiple @ $564 / $563)  🔴

QQQ Put Credit Spread (2x Multiple @ $473 / $472)  🟢


Wednesday, September 18th

No signal produced (FOMC meeting)


Thursday, September 19th

SPY Put Credit Spread (2x Multiple @ $568 / $567)  🟢

QQQ Put Credit Spread (2x Multiple @ $480 / $479)  🟢


Friday, September 20th

No signal produced (Quadruple witching)



Count of Times Powell Murdered My Account

420,069 *

This data point is from readings over the past week. The reported information should not be taken as an aggregate or cumulative value for any period beyond the most recent week (Sunday through Saturday). Appropriate alterations were made to account for both travel and time zone shifts.




RISK WARNING: Trading involves HIGH RISK and YOU CAN LOSE a lot of money. Do not risk any money you cannot afford to lose. Trading is not suitable for all investors. We are not registered investment advisors. We do not provide trading or investment advice. We provide research and education through the issuance of statistical information containing no expression of opinion as to the investment merits of a particular security. Information contained herein should not be considered a solicitation to buy or sell any security or engage in a particular investment strategy. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Links above include affiliate commission or referrals. I'm part of an affiliate network and I receive compensation from partnering websites.

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Daily Degen Trade Report (+$371) || Learn From Me For FREE!!!
Tuesday, September 24th

Fighting The Bears



If you're curious about what I trade & how I trade, join the Goonie Trading Discord. You can be a premium member for 1 month free of charge. It's a riskless opportunity for you to become a Goonie today!

You can join the Goonie Discord for FREE w/ code GOONIE (Click Here!)


Piper's Picks

A BEARISH signal, 3/5 strength, was generated around 10:05am ET by Piper. The signal was used with various advanced options strategies to score (don't worry, I'll teach you every aspect of the strategy).Both of these trades missed :(

SPY Return: -$19 per $89 signal capital requirement

QQQ Return: -$25 per $89 signal capital requirement

Total Return: -$44 per $178 signal capital requirement


Thicc Matt's Personal Trades

Trade One: 5 SPX 5,700/5,695 Put Credit Spreads (New Reversion Strategy) The PCS was sold at $1.35/ea and was all bought at $0.05/ea-- This means my REALIZED GAIN WAS $650.


Trade Two: 3 SPX 5,730/5,635 Call Credit Spreads (New Reversion Strategy) This PCS was at $2.50/ea and was not closed. SPX closed at 5,732.94 -- This means my realized loss was $132.


Trade Three: 3 SPX 5,740/5,745 Call Credit Spreads (New Reversion Strategy)The PCS was sold at $1.25/ea and was all bought at $0.05/ea-- This means my REALIZED GAIN WAS $360.


Trade Four: 3 SPX 5,730/5,635 Call Credit Spreads (New Reversion Strategy)This PCS was at $1.25/ea and was not closed. SPX closed at 5,732.94 -- This means my realized loss was $507.


Trade One Return: +$650

Trade Two Return: -$132

Trade Three Return: +$360

Trade Four Return: -$507

Total Return: +$371 (before fees)


These trades would have paid for MORE THAN FIVE MONTHS OF GOONIE MEMBERSHIP!!!




RISK WARNING: Trading involves HIGH RISK and YOU CAN LOSE a lot of money. Do not risk any money you cannot afford to lose. Trading is not suitable for all investors. We are not registered investment advisors. We do not provide trading or investment advice. We provide research and education through the issuance of statistical information containing no expression of opinion as to the investment merits of a particular security. Information contained herein should not be considered a solicitation to buy or sell any security or engage in a particular investment strategy. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Links above include affiliate commission or referrals. I'm part of an affiliate network and I receive compensation from partnering websites.

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September 23, 2024
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Daily Degen Trade Report (+$350) || Learn From Me For FREE!
Monday, September 23rd

Happy Monday!



If you're curious about what I trade & how I trade, join the Goonie Trading Discord. You can be a premium member for 1 month free of charge. It's a riskless opportunity for you to become a Goonie today!

You can join the Goonie Discord for FREE w/ code GOONIE (Click Here!)


Piper's Picks

A BULLISH signal, 4/5 strength, was generated around 10:20am ET by Piper. The signal was used with various advanced options strategies to score (don't worry, I'll teach you every aspect of the strategy).Both of these trades hit if held until close --  4 total units!

SPY Return: +$22 (+100%) per $178 signal capital requirement

QQQ Return: +$40 (+100%) per $160 signal capital requirement

Total Return: +$62 (+100%) per $338 signal capital requirement


Thicc Matt's Personal Trades

Trade One: 20 SPX 5,700/5,695 Put Credit Spreads (Piper Strategy) This trade was one of my main favorites. The market showed strength early in the session, so I sold puts at key support. All of the PCS were sold at $1.00/ea and were all bought back at $0.05/ea -- This means my REALIZED GAIN WAS $1,900.


Trade Two: 10 SPX 5,725/5,7120 Put Credit Spreads (Aggressive Piper Strategy)This was a bit silly, a bit too aggressive, and it cost me. I sold these PCS at $2.25/ea and was forced to buy the back at $4.15/ea (risk was hit) -- This means my realized loss was 1,900.


Trade Three: 5 SPX 5,690/5,685 Put Credit Spreads (Piper Strategy)I was of the opinion that this morning's weakness wouldn't last, so I sold additional PCS when bullish flow entered the market. I sold these spreads at $0.75/ea and bought them all back at $0.05/ea -- This means my REALIZED GAIN WAS $350.


Trade One Return: +$1,900

Trade Two Return: -$1,900

Trade Three Return: +$350

Total Return: +$350 (before fees)


These trades would have paid for MORE THAN FIVE MONTHS OF GOONIE DISCORD ACCESS!!!




RISK WARNING: Trading involves HIGH RISK and YOU CAN LOSE a lot of money. Do not risk any money you cannot afford to lose. Trading is not suitable for all investors. We are not registered investment advisors. We do not provide trading or investment advice. We provide research and education through the issuance of statistical information containing no expression of opinion as to the investment merits of a particular security. Information contained herein should not be considered a solicitation to buy or sell any security or engage in a particular investment strategy. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Links above include affiliate commission or referrals. I'm part of an affiliate network and I receive compensation from partnering websites.

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